The “We Talk” Series


Random topics, random discussions

Do you ever have those times when you are in the middle of doing something and it sparks an idea, memory, or simply a topic of interest? And then, you NEED to talk about it in that moment, with someone whom you know will appreciate the concept or add something amazing with their point of view? Then, after the conversation is over, you wish you had written it down or kept it in some way, because it was well worth remembering and/or sharing? We have those moments all the time and finally decided to start recording these chats and then publish what we think might interest you, or is just quirky enough to fit our blog-that-isn’t-really-a-blog.

So, this collection of “articles” is our way of providing some insight into our minds, when we have some of these interesting discussions (run now, if you aren’t ready!).

We hope you will enjoy our random ramblings and please feel free to participate and add your own thoughts on the roller coaster journeys our minds take.

*If you are on a mobile device, to find each topic click the “+” above the page title (at least that is how it shows up on our phones).