APRIL 6th, 2016
I don’t read nearly as much as I once did. Between working on Carbon Lilies, trying to keep up with social media, fulfilling my need for cinematic stimuli and just life in general, one of my favourite hobbies had fallen almost completely by the wayside. This past weekend I managed to finally delve into a book that I have wanted to read since ordering it nearly a year ago. This book hit home for me so much that I felt as though the author had looked deep into my psyche and shared what she had seen. The book was The Spirit of Alchemy: Secret Teachings of the Sacred Reunion by Karen A. Dahlman.
Sharing more teachings from her “Esoteric Ouija” work, Karen explores how we might find harmony in our lives by balancing the receptive Divine Feminine and active Divine Masculine that exist within us all. Karen then takes us through the journey of self-reflection, detailing our darker impulses (the Nigredo), the insights and positive attitude necessary to overcome (the Albedo) and finally connecting and committing to our Higher Self (the Rubedo).
Following along these mysterious traditions used by alchemists in their attempts to transmute one object into another (the most famous example being how to change lead into gold), Karen shares with us how this process can be used on our own selves to lead to a personal transmutation into a better way of living. Karen makes the book extremely relatable to the readers by using experiences from her own life. By following the techniques Karen details, she shows us how it is possible for anyone to find their own Philosopher’s Stone through finding their spirit guides and their higher self. Karen expertly accomplishes this in the terms the alchemists use and interpreting it into plain language that even I could understand.
If you have seen some of my posts on social media you will know that I have an interest in talking boards and believe they have an undeserved bad reputation, so I originally wanted to get this book simply knowing that Karen A. Dahlman is a Ouijaologist. Well, that and the fact that we own her other books Spirit of Creativity and Spirit of Ouija. On many levels I am so glad that we ordered this book. As I said in the opening paragraph, this book hits home to such an extent that it really does feel like Karen is directing her words specifically at me (even though I know this obviously isn’t the case) and I am confident that many others will feel the exact same way. That is the magic of Karen’s writing.
Photo courtesy of Creative Visions Publications website
As I read page after page, there were often moments when I could see the events in the book playing out much like they had in my own life. This experience made me realize that I am currently in the stage of Nigredo, contemplating the darker elements of my life and trying to come to grips with the things that have happened and are still happening. I feel that I am coming close to moving on to the second stage by handling situations in a more positive light.
You do not have to be a Ouija lover at all to enjoy this book. As you may have guessed by this point, I strongly recommend this great read for anyone and everyone. You can get your own copy on Amazon or from Karen’s site Creative Visions Publications (even an autographed copy if you ask for one).
If (or should I say when) you get your own copy or if you already have one, let us know. We are anxious to hear your thoughts. Tweet us @carbonlilies ,tell us on Facebook or comment below.