Beware! He's Coming...

DECEMBER 6th, 2016


It was such a shock to me when December 1st came and went so quickly this year; it made me wonder where all the time had gone. It felt like only yesterday we were writing about our Hallowe’en movie experiences. It has been an extremely busy year for me and John. We had so many plans for what we had wanted to do with the blog this year but a multitude of things have happened to keep us otherwise occupied, such that we never really had the opportunity to put those plans into motion. With the holiday season now here, time is an even rarer commodity but I wasn’t going to let December 5th go by without doing something special… of course, I had no idea what it would be.

For those who may not know, December 5th is Krampusnacht (Krampus Night). This is the night where Saint Nicolas and Krampus visit the children (especially in Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, etc.) together. If the child was good, St. Nicolas would leave candy in their shoes but if they had misbehaved, Krampus would punish them by beating the kids with birch branches or even taking them away in his sack or basket, to never be seen again.

Unfortunately, John and I are not going to have time to attend one of these runs (although there is a Krampus Ball on December 10th for anyone in the Toronto area who may be interested), so to commemorate the day I sat down and drew the following picture of Krampus. John helped by electronically adding the lettering and border once my drawing was complete. It felt great to work on something creative again


Hopefully it won’t be long until you see a few more posts from us. We have a few interesting articles we have been working on, as well as our upcoming 2nd Annual 12 Movies and 12 Songs for the 12 Days of Christmas, that will be starting shortly.

Until next time, behave yourselves! He is coming after all!!!