We Talk Ghosty Things

MARCH 24TH, 2022

[John] Hello there. Welcome to another chat session with us. Lana asked me to start the recorder on this one because he knew it would be something we’d want to share. So, grab a cuppa and settle in for our latest (and slightly shorter) We Talk. We are posting this almost two weeks after having the chat… nothing weird has happened since (I think).

[Lana] If you don’t consider our regular lives being weird in general, I would have to concur.

[John] Okay, nothing extra weird has happened since.


[John] Okay, so our outside light just came on (sensor light). I don't know why.  

[Lana] It’s not unusual, though.  

[John] No, it does come on periodically and the only thing that we can figure is either there's an animal out there that we can't see, because it's difficult for us to see beyond that wall outside the door, or maybe wind or something like that is triggering the light. I don't know if it's windy right now. But the light just came on and I swear that I saw a shadow; not a human form or anything, it was just a shadow - inside.  

Any time that light goes on, my heart starts to race a little bit because I'm wondering who's coming down the stairs. It's night time right now, our landlady would come from the inside stairs and knock on the door if she needed us. Nobody comes to visit – we’re not expecting anyone, certainly not at night. But I swear, I just saw a shadow. And it wasn't a shadow outside, it was reflected on the glass door from the inside. And it was by my desk area, where we have those containers of manuals and scissors and stuff. And it was like something just kind of passing in front of that. But you…?

[Lana] The reason I wondered if we should start recording is that I wanted to hear your opinion but also, it's now happening enough that I'm getting used to it…

[John] Okay.

[Lana] So, it's now just “Oh, the light came on” kind of thing. Wind, whatever. But this time, I was totally expecting to see someone come down the stairs. And I could actually feel like there was a presence or is a presence out there. Not so much is… was a presence out there. But nothing is there, right?

[John] Like a human presence, animal presence, or a spirit presence?

[Lana] Just a presence. I don't know. But for the first time, like I said I've gotten used to it, so for the first time since I first saw the light randomly go on, I actually almost felt like getting up to look, because this is the time that actually something is there. And then, when you said what you saw, I thought well, we're both picking up on something, so maybe…

[John] Are we both just edgy because we're watching that new Tyler Henry show, so our heads are already there?

[Lana] No.

[John] I know we watch stuff like this all the time. But…

[Lana] Tyler Henry’s show is not a scary thing.

[John} I don't mean scary. Is it…

[Lana] Helping us to pick up…

[John] No. Is it just tweaking our expectation of something?

[Lana] I don't think so.

[John] No?

[Lana] Not me, anyway.

[John] We watch so much of this kind of stuff all the time. And stuff like this happens with us a fair bit so, I don't usually expect it – I mean, it’s just a normal part of life. I don't expect it even when I probably should expect it.

[Lana] You should probably expect it a lot.

[John] Maybe I should.
Wait, why should I expect it a lot?

[Lana] Because stuff like this happens to us all the time. But, this is the first time I've really felt like something is here.

[John] Yeah...

[Lana] No? Okay, except for your ghost bug this week?

[John] Yeah, so I was going to say that I haven't felt anything here. We've been living here now for… six and a half months?

[Lana] Yeah.

[John] And, I've never felt anything in here. Yet, this week - it was a tough week with work; a really busy and emotionally overwhelming week at work. So, I don't know if it's just that I was stressed? Have I been suddenly feeling stuff here, this week, because my emotions were heightened and I was more exhausted than usual?

[Lana] Are you still feeling something in here?

[John] I sort of am and sort of not.

[Lana] It's funny because you know, what you're describing with seeing the reflection in the door, I get that a lot but I’ve figured out what it is; it's you when you’re working at your desk and I can see you move your arm or something. I pick up your reflection in the glass door. But… nobody is over there now.

[John] No. And so, this week I've had a couple of moments of feeling somebody walking around in here. Not that I'm hearing footsteps and I'm not hearing the creaking of the floor.

[Lana] It’s funny that you just said footsteps because I totally just thought “You know what? I'm just gonna go to see if there are any footprints in the snow out there.”

[John] Okay, go and check. But yeah, I haven't heard any footsteps. I haven't heard any creaking of the floor down here when there shouldn't be.

Anything out there?

[Lana] No.

I was just wondering if the snowflakes were big enough that they would trigger the light sensor but that couldn’t be it because it happens even when there's nothing out there.

[John] Okay, so there have been a couple of times this week when I felt like somebody had walked through the apartment. It hasn't creeped me out, it's just been that sort of situation when I'm looking around, because I'm thinking that you're asleep so, who is it? And I've almost wondered if somebody came down the indoor stairs.

[Lana] And, you didn't hear the door open…

[John] Yeah, but I'm almost expecting the kid from upstairs to be standing there or something.

[Lana] Oh Jesus, that would be creepy.

[John] Yeah. And I know that wouldn’t happen but when I’m getting that sensation of someone walking through here or just being in here, it’s hard not to imagine someone actually standing there. But then yeah, yesterday I had the ghost bug. And, I still, I… just… cannot explain it, no matter how hard I try.

I was taking steps towards the kitchen and as I was in the dining room walking through, there was this bug-shaped shadow on the floor. I thought it was one of the house centipedes and I haven't seen a large one lately, I guess with the cold and dry weather I haven’t really been seeing a lot of them.

So, at first, I'm thinking “Oh, it's got to be a house centipede” and so, I was about to move my foot out of the way to go grab tissue so that I could take care of it, but as I slightly moved my foot backwards, it was like the bug/shadow moved towards my slipper and disappeared. My slippers are black and have some silver threads and I kind of freaked, because I was thinking “What just happened to it?” as I'm checking the bottom of the slipper wondering if I somehow stepped on it. I was brushing off my slipper thinking maybe it crawled onto my slipper, which I really didn't want. And, I was kind of dancing around trying to shake it off me, thinking it was on me or something but there was nothing there. There was nothing. It was nowhere. I kept checking out the light and angles. But there was no way for the light to create that. Certainly not that movement of a shadow like that. I recreated my movements, you know? I stood in the same spot, I moved my body the same way, I did everything that I could think of to try to figure out what just happened and I still can't understand it. So, weird ghost bug.

[John] That's the only stuff that has happened in this apartment, though – so far. Other than the ghost bug, this is the first time that I've full on seen a shadow moving where there's no reason for a shadow to be or to move. There's absolutely nothing that would have created movements, and certainly not a passing shadow.

Because, like I said, it was a reflection in the window. So, outside isn't going to reflect, right, like it did?

[Lana] Would the change in light cause it? With the outside light turning on, would that have caused it?

[John] No, because it was inside.

So, I’m looking over in the same space, same spot, right now. There's a small plastic tub that has our manuals in it, right? It's clear plastic and the rim of the lid, from my angle, there's light from the spotlight a little bit over the tub and it's reflecting off the edge of the lid. And that's where I saw the shadow, because the light on that edge actually disappeared as though something interrupted it briefly. That's what caught my eye.

It grabbed my attention and I thought “What the fuck? What?” And I looked, and because the light went on outside, my brain was saying there must be somebody outside. But the light inside was what was disrupted and that can't happen from somebody being outside. And there was still movement even as I looked over at it, and I realized it was a shadow. It was in front of that light.

I don't know. All of our ghosty books and spirit boards and tarot cards and things are over in the office nook.

[Lana] It was doing research on itself.

[John] Ha, maybe. It was doing research on the ghost bug for me. I don't know.

But it's weird that you actually had some sort of energy expectation with that light going on, as well. So, I don't know. Maybe we're heightened right now. Maybe our own energy is just stronger than usual this week or tonight, or a combination of things.

I mean, in our old apartment, stuff happened and I'm still convinced it was us creating stuff to happen. I mean, you had the couple of weird moments of me being in the apartment when I was actually at work – at the office.

[Lana] That thing over the bedroom door that we wrote about, too. 

[John] Oh, yeah.

Me having weird things fall near me in ways that they couldn't naturally fall and no matter how many times I tried to recreate those instances, I just couldn’t figure out how they could have possibly fallen that way.

But that's kind of what I'm wondering, you know, is our emotional energy such that this week it's kind of manifesting a couple of weirdnesses?

[Lana] Maybe! In which case, it’s probably only going to happen more. 

[John] True that.

[Lana] The light just went out.

[John] Okay, that's it I guess, eh. Thanks. We'll go back to Tyler Henry now.


[John] And, that’s all we’ve got for you this time, friends! Thanks for hanging out with us again. Now, go dance with some ghost bugs and chase some freaky shadows.  

[Lana] …or non-freaky shadows. I hear they enjoy a good game of tag.

[John] Do they also enjoy road hockey?

[Lana] They actually just love yelling, “CAR!” and “GAME ON!”.

[John] Well, that is the most fun part of the game.

[Lana] Indubitably!

[John] Well friends, if you want to chime in on this batch of weirdness, please comment here or on our social pages, or email us if you’d like. We would love to hear from you.

Until next time…