Chris Medina: Psychic Medium - Part 4

MARCH 8th, 2016


[John] This is the fourth part of our interview with Psychic Medium Chris Medina. If you haven’t read the first part yet, you can click here should you like to start with it and you will find the second part here. To read Part Three, please click here.

In Part Three we learned about Chris discovering his abilities and some of his unsettling experiences growing up.  

Please hang out with us now as we delve into Part Four. Make yourself comfy, grab a drink and settle in for more of our interview with Psychic Medium Chris Medina of Platinum Predictions. (Part Five will be out soon!)

[John] Are you able to explain what it’s like when you receive your information? Is it like somebody is telling you or giving you the information, is it a visual image, or do you know where it’s from?

[Chris] Um, the way that it feels like to me, if I was on the outside of it looking in, it’s just given to me. I can’t hear a voice but I can feel that presence there. To me personally, since I’ve known it for so long, I want to say it’s like a male figure. He’s been with me for so long it feels almost like my dad. I can’t hear a male voice; I can’t hear an actual voice, it’s just information given to me. I can’t tell you whether it’s male or female. I can tell you that to me, whatever it is, it feels like a father figure type. They’ll post images in my head, they’ll tell me what to say, if I’m nervous they’ll tell me to relax. Again, it’s not really a voice – it isn’t something that’s being said to me, it’s just inputted. That’s the best way to describe it for me.

[John] I find it fascinating that you almost can’t explain it because it is so natural for you.

[Chris] Yeah, I guess what people don’t understand is that I’m used to this. It’s something that I’ve just known my entire life – I don’t know anything else but this.

[John] You mentioned before that the activity for you gets really heavy at night; that they don’t let you sleep, and we’ve heard you in other interviews talk about how you can’t really turn it off. Why is that? Why do you think you can’t turn it off and what kind of an effect does that have on your life?

[Chris] I don’t know why – I’m just not supposed to. Again, this is something that’s been going on ever since I can remember so I’m used to it. I’ll be lucky if I can get five to six hours of sleep a night – I’m constantly on. Whether it’s spirits or entities or things like that, I can say ‘not now’ but the psychic stuff, no absolutely not. It’s overwhelming but it’s something that I’m used to. [Laughing as he says this…] I used to smoke pot in order for it to kind of numb me so I could kind of escape a little bit. I don’t drink and the pot would only be at night but even then they were telling me ‘Nope. You’d better cut it out,’ and I’d be like ‘well it’s the only thing that relaxes me’ and they’d tell me no and I’d tell them I’m gonna do it; and then I did it and believe-you-me, they have a way of kicking me in the butt to get me to pay attention. They are not afraid to do it and I know that feeling. When it’s time to give something up or to walk away from a relationship or walk away from a certain situation and they tell me ‘you gotta go’, I don’t question it.

[John] Well that’s probably smart, I mean typically they know a little bit more than we do. Does it ever feel frustrating to you? Do you ever wish that you could control it somehow? Or are you just at that point now where you understand that you just have to accept it and that’s just the way it is for you?

[Chris] I never expect the relationship part of it, that’s something that I have a hard time with. As outgoing as I have to be to the public, as far as my personal life goes – relationships - having this ability and dealing with it and knowing and just seeing how people are, you know, picking up on their intention, the thing that I suffer from are my intimate relationships. That’s the one thing that I have a hard time with, is being able to be close to somebody. You know, I’ve met certain people that I consider to be different or to be – not sacred or holy but to be good people – and then meeting them and just knowing right off the bat that’s not who they are, and what their intention is, I’ll mess with it. I’ll give it a try just to see, so I can ‘learn this lesson that you’re trying to teach me’. To sum it all up the thing that I have the most difficult time with is relationships with people – friendships, intimate relationships.

[John] I think I can understand that. If you’re picking up on intimate details about that person, that you might not want to know and they might not want you to know; it must be intimidating for the other person to have the awareness that you may know a lot of stuff about them and you may be feeling things about them or seeing things that they’re trying to keep to themselves. It’s got to be really tough and frustrating for you too, and I would think depressing at times as well.

[Chris] Yeah it’s very depressing. I mean, it may sound a little sad. I just know what I have to do and I knew as far back as I can remember, as a kid, that it was going to be lonely; that it was going to be difficult as far as with people. So when relationships didn’t work out I was told it’s just time to move on. As much as I serve a purpose in their life, they served a purpose in mine whether it was to have that feeling of intimacy or friendship, in the back of my mind I just know it’s gonna be a lonely life. I mean it doesn’t have to be but to me it’s safe. It may sound horrid, it may sound sad but it’s safe for me to not get too close.

John’s note: We could feel a sense of heaviness move into the conversation and though I was keen to explore things further with Chris, we decided to move in a slightly different direction at this point.

[Lana] Do you ever make any prediction that doesn’t make sense in the moment but it does come to fruition or is realized much later on?

[Chris] Yes [deep sigh], it happens. I don’t follow the news all the time, I follow as much as I can but it can be very depressing to me. So when I get hits about things – about worldly type events, you know, wars or people coming into a position of power – and it doesn’t make sense to me at that time, I’ll tell my manager Jay who I’m really close with, ‘you know I got this hit off of this but I don’t know who it is’. He’ll ask me to describe what I’m seeing and to tell him what I’m getting and I’ll say something like (as an example) ‘it’s just this man, it’s a man from another country that’s coming into a position of power but the way that he’s doing it is… blah blah blah’ and Jay will ask me if he looks like this [particular image] and it will be someone that’s actually on the news. Those types of things don’t make sense to me.

[Lana] You do readings in person and you do readings over the phone, by distance or by Skype. Do you find it easier to do readings in person or does that even matter to you?

[Chris] Oh I’d much rather do them in person. Yeah, I have to look at your eyes. I have to see you. I can do photo readings, I’m not knocking those but to be able to touch that person or look at them, I’d much rather do my readings in person. Then that person gets a better feel for me too. When meeting people that I gave readings to over the phone and then meeting them in person, it’s just a better vibe and a better connection in person because they always say there’s something different about my energy when they meet me in person versus on the phone. I feel the same way about them too because I can confirm what I was getting from them too and I can explain why.

[John] I would think that body language plays into that as well, in terms of somebody being open versus being very closed and maybe scared or unsure; that it helps you to be able to see that rather than to just hear it over the phone and not really be sure of what it is that you’re picking up on.

[Lana] And the best way to deliver what it is that you have to tell them.

[Chris] Right. Yeah, because the phone is informal especially when you’re giving them readings regarding their life and personal situations; you’re making predictions about their health and there’s no way to sit there and comfort them and hold their hand and say ‘Oh my God I’m so sorry but… blah blah blah’ and they’re crying. I like to be able to comfort them.

[Lana] Do you ever record your readings so that you can revisit them later on or track your accuracy?

[Chris] No, I never record my readings. I don’t mind if the client records the readings but I never record the readings. Some of the stuff that we discuss is very personal and to me it would be like having it lingering around for a little bit. I don’t know if that makes sense to you – I just want to be able to deliver what I have to deliver and then move on.

[John] Do you ever wish that you could go back to any of those readings and revisit them? Knowing that you don’t record anything, are there ever any times that you wish you had that in your back pocket?

[Chris] No, and I’ll tell you why. When I do these readings and I get the information, the only way I can describe it – the reason why I don’t promote the love and light and the reason that my readings are very direct, is because whatever I give that person within the first 30-40 minutes of that reading, is what I need to get out. You know what, to be honest with you, sometimes I don’t remember. I don’t know if that makes sense. I will remember the person and the reading but not the details. It’s almost like ‘please don’t stop me, I have to get this out’. I have to tell you what I’m saying and then once I’m done it’s kind of like a relief.



Here, we have reached the end of the fourth part of our interview with Chris Medina. There’s still some final ground to cover, so please stay tuned for Part Five to be released this week!

How do you think you would handle your sleep being constantly interrupted by your psychic abilities? What would you do? Tweet your answers to @carbonlilies or comment here or on our Facebook page to let us know.  

Would you like to contact Chris Medina? Check out the links below…



