Black Mass

MARCH 27, 2021


The events I am writing about today, took place two weeks ago. I was lying in bed, fast asleep, when I suddenly woke up - I glanced at the clock and saw that it was approaching 4 a.m. Usually when something like this happens, it means that I need to visit the little boy’s room but this time was different; I didn’t have to go. I was just awake. Now, before I go into what happened next, I want to assure you that I was indeed awake. This was not a dream; I was fully conscious and cognizant for at least the following 45 minutes.

As I lay awake, some movement above our bedroom door caught my eye. While neither of these words truly encapsulate what I saw, I will say it was a cloud- or mist-shaped shadow. It appeared to be hanging there, pulsating slightly, just below the ceiling. The mass was a deep, deep black that was darker than the rest of the room even though there were no lights on, save for the greenish glow of the alarm clock.

I laid there just staring at the shape, trying to figure out how it might occur there naturally. While we do have a nightlight in our washroom, which is the room beside our bedroom, both the bathroom and bedroom doors were pulled mostly shut and no light could shine through. Even if light could have come through, there wouldn’t have been enough to cast a shadow like this.


My second thought was that there may have been some light coming in the bedroom window on the opposite side of the room, but the blinds were shut tight and if there was a light coming in this way, I would have seen a similar effect before. Could it have been a vehicle passing by? I would have considered that to be an answer had the shape not remained for the full 45 minutes I was pondering it.

The next day, sometime in the evening, I began feeling a little uncomfortable about the encounter; I wasn’t afraid but I couldn’t let it go. I discussed what happened with John and, like with everything else weird that occurs in this apartment, she figured it was just our own energy creating some “funky weirdness”. John didn’t really think much more about it - must be nice! I was still obsessing over it so, the next day I decided to contact our friend Marc Remiere. Marc has done some studying on shadow people and specifically the Hat Man, and while my experience was neither of those things, I thought the shadowy nature of my guest might be of interest.

Marc asked me a number of questions, one of which was about the pulsating – was it expanding and retracting, almost like breathing in and out? That was the first time I attributed more “life” to our late-night visitor. It seemed to move back and forth, as though breathing but more slowly. Marc also asked if I was getting any sort of feeling or unusual thoughts from it but I really was just curious at the time and it is only in thinking back on it that I become uneasy. When it initially happened, I felt so comfortable with it that I didn’t even get up to investigate more or wake up John, who was actually sleeping calmly for a change. In that moment, I didn’t want the experience to end. I was so at peace that after watching it for 45 minutes, I went back to sleep despite the mass still hovering in the same position above the door.

Marc believes that there are various forms of shadow entities, and so she asked other questions to try to narrow down the options. Marc asked me if I normally wake up at that time and I told her that I don’t unless I need a washroom break which, as I have already mentioned, was not necessary this night. Marc asked if there was any noise associated with the… thing… but I am pretty sure there wasn’t. She also asked if I felt any pressure changes – inner ear pressure or a heaviness of sorts – I didn’t. The only thing that stood out to me was my overwhelming curiosity. It was like I was obsessed with figuring out what it was, which is why I am surprised that I just calmly went back to sleep. Marc’s final question was if I had been dabbling in anything that might have drawn a dark entity towards me, but I honestly hadn’t even been thinking about anything in the spiritual realm for quite some time before this occurred.

Marc said it almost seems as though ‘it’ wanted my attention and was observing me as I was studying it. Marc has always felt that I have a strong energy and am capable of a lot within that. She thinks that this may have been a type of test of my responsiveness and observation of my reaction. Because of how I did (or did not) respond in the moment, Marc feels that the shadow being likely concluded that I would be responsive to further interaction and that I may see it again albeit in a different form next time. If I do see it again, Marc has suggested that if it communicates, I should not allow it to lead me in any direction or encourage me in any action that I may doubt is right for me. Marc thinks that if it suggests anything, it would be to determine the direction of my own internal compass.

I have since watched for it every night for these last two weeks, scanning the entire room, starting and finishing at the spot where the shape appeared, but there has been no return as of the day I’m writing this, and maybe there never will be.

So, what do you think? Have you ever had a late-night visitor that you couldn’t explain away? What would you have done in my proverbial shoes? Do you think there is something I may have missed in trying to debunk any paranormal origin to the shadowy mass? I would love to hear any opinions, suggestions, and theories you may have about what happened and what I could possibly do, should there be a return visit. You can leave a comment here or reach out to us at carbonlilies@hotmail.com or on any of our social media accounts.

Thanks for joining me on this journey!