Climb Aboard the Dream Bus

MAY 4th, 2022

Have you ever woken up in the morning and been utterly blown away by the dream you had during the night? If I end up remembering my dreams at all, I am always amazed by the weirdness that my subconscious comes up with. This is what happened to me a couple of days ago and so strange was this dream that I just needed to share.

The dream opened with John and I sitting in the back of a Greyhound bus. I don’t know why we weren’t driving our own vehicle but nevertheless, there we were. We were just chatting away when three men decided to hold up the bus… at least that was what it originally seemed like, considering they were waving around guns.

They demanded that everyone change their seating arrangements. I was sent to seat 14 which, for some reason, was located at the very front of the bus, just inside the front passenger door. John was ordered to seat 32 which was only four rows behind the driver. Oddly enough, the two sets of even numbers were not located on the same side of the bus. I don’t know if the numbers or positions were important but they certainly stuck out in my mind.

It was then that I noticed the “high-jackers” were quite preoccupied with the road ahead of us. We started picking up speed as we began our descent down a very steep hill. The driver calmly stood up, moved, and sat two rows behind John. I sat there in amazement, wondering why the driver would possibly do that while the bus was still moving.

I turned back to look out the front window and saw that there was a sharp turn coming up quickly, at the bottom of the hill. I did the only thing I could and reached over to the steering wheel. The turn was going to be too tight and we were going to flip the bus. The only chance we would have had was if I could turn early, jumping the curb, and just hope that would be enough to keep us upright; it was a bumpy and terrifying ride but we made it. I quickly climbed into the driver’s seat and hit the brakes.

So far, this dream is pretty strange but this is where my subconscious said, “You ain’t seen nothing yet… hold my beer.”

We were all sitting on the bus trying to collect ourselves, when one of the high-jackers moved into the seat where I had previously been sitting and recounted the history of this bus’s fate. Apparently, twenty years earlier, the very same bus at that very same corner did indeed flip, killing the driver and all the passengers. Ever since, the three men posed as “high-jackers” trying to find someone to end their recurring death trip in any way that they could.

Now that the danger had passed, I tried to drive the bus back to where we had started from but it wouldn’t move. Everyone exited the vehicle and we saw that the front had been severely damaged. This bus wasn’t going anywhere. At that point, everyone but John and I just walked off together and disappeared in the distance.

John and I walked off on our own and, within moments, we found ourselves at a familiar gas station that I had walked to some years ago (in reality, not in a dream). We turned around the corner of a building (which doesn’t exist in real life) and were suddenly back on the bus. It was no longer the broken-down Greyhound we had just left behind but instead, a fully functioning death trap that was on its eternal journey.

This time, we didn’t start at the back of the bus. I was seated directly behind the driver and John was behind me. The man who had told me the story of how everyone had died, was sitting across from us, in seat 14. The driver (whose face I never saw) had long, wavy, red hair. The only reason I can think of that would make this detail important enough to stand out to me, is that I knew, from the hair, that this was a different driver.

I took this opportunity to ask a few questions which had popped into my head: What was it like being dead? What happened to them once we changed the results of the crash? Were the people who had died the first time the bus crashed, still dead or were they alive again now?

Before I could get any answers, John chastised me for being insensitive. I was going to state my case to her but right then, we reached the vital moment of going down the steep hill, gaining more and more speed. We asked the driver to brake and slow our momentum, and she slowed us down sufficiently to make the corner with relative ease. Everyone began celebrating and cheering wildly - including the driver before she straightened the wheel. Then, just before our momentum ran us into a building, John woke me up from my dream-filled sleep.

When I remember my dreams, they are often of the stranger variety but this one was a doozy. I have no idea what any of it meant but I must say that it was enjoyable, though incredibly stressful. If anyone has any insights into what any of this might mean, or if you have a wacky dream of your own to share, please feel free to hit us up on our social media, our email, or even comment right here.