Finally, due to our 31 Movies and 31 Songs in 31 Days of Hallowe’en article, Patrick Keller of the Big Séance podcast asked if he could interview us. He had been following our progress every day as we would post which movie we had watched and which song we had listened to. We couldn’t believe it… Someone actually found our little project entertaining and interesting enough to want to share it with their listeners. We are still flabbergasted. The Big Séance episode should be out within a few days of us posting this entry. Patrick was gracious enough to be our second guest for the blog, allowing us to interview him as well. (Watch for that interview in an upcoming post.)
For two introverted bloggers getting their feet wet in a sea of wonder, it has been a roller coaster ride of nerve wracking, sweat-inducing, butterfly-in-the-tummy craziness…and I, for one, wouldn’t have traded it in for anything. So thank you very much Patrick, Diane, Denise and Jim for giving us an adventure of a new kind. We can hardly wait to see where the road takes us.